Conversion and Change
Had several insights from my reading in the Book of Mormon this week. First I found it interesting that King Lamoni’s father was willing to give up ½ his kingdom for his life (Alma 20:21-23) but all his kingdom for salvation (Alma 22:15). I love the humility of Lamoni’s father when he says “ If there is a God, and If thou art God, wilt thou make thyself known unto me.” And here is the real sacrifice. Giving up his kingdom would be hard but I think more doable then the next thing he says “ I will give away all my sins to know thee.” I love the harvest that Ammon and Aaron and the sons of Mosiah are able to have reap after much tribulation. Alma 23:6 says “the power of God working miracles in them” Conversion is the true miracle. I was listening to “Whatsoever he saith of thee, do it” from conference. I loved the image of the Savior changing water to wine at the feast and my former idea of the truest miracles are really changing us into something other than the natural ma...